IMKK has been trained and certified to ISO and ISO/TS

January 14 took place the training of specialists at all levels of PJSC Ichniansky Milk Factory, which is part of the group of companies PRAVIO, multinational *Bureau Veritas.
Following the successful audit and training of managers, the company received a certificate confirming the standards **FSSC22000. As well as certificates ***ISO 22000: 2005 and the basic program - ISO / TS 22002-1 (PAS 220)
With this training and certification, PJSC Ichnyansky milk factory I had the opportunity to work with 80% of the companies of the world market, as well as possible to adapt to the EU market.
*Bureau Veritas is a global leader in testing, inspection and certification and provides its customers with high quality services that serve as an effective tool for organizations of all activities towards achieving compliance with various requirements of quality, safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.
**Food Safety System Certification 22000 (FSSC 22000) - is a reliable, standards-based ISO, internationally recognized scheme audit and certification of food safety management in the food supply chain. FSSC 22000 uses the existing standard ISO 22000, ISO 22003, as well as technical industry specifications "prerequisite programs" (PPU), which were developed based on extensive public consultation with numerous stakeholders.
Manufacturers already certified to ISO 22000 can be certified FSSC 22000 recognized by the Global Initiative for Food Safety (GFSI), subject to the requirements of technical specifications foam industry, and the additional requirements of the circuit.
***The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is one of the largest and most important organizations involved in the development of international standards. International standards are voluntary and contain the relevant specifications of the products, services and best practices, as well as contribute to more efficient production and strong growth of industrial potential. International standards are developed by consensus, which has a positive effect on reducing barriers to trade.